Tools for Success in Trading and Investing on Stock Markets

Tools for Success in Trading and Investing on Stock Markets

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>55% of adults in the USA invest on stock markets and >90% fail and lose significant amounts of money.

Similar failure/success ratio can be found across the world.

We aim to change this. Let's grow together!

Our tools provide traders and investors instant and educated assistance in making smart and confident decisions in risk management, strategy and timing. For that we merge know-how in markets and statistics with fundamental data and an amazing UX. Our tools are intuitive and easy to use across all devices to adopt to our customers habits and easy access.

Our affiliates are critical to our success. Hence, we see you as our partner and will support you with everything you need to become successful.

Our offering to professional and retail traders and investors

Discover confidence and peace of mind in trading and investing!

What we offer

Our tools provide short, mid and long term oriented traders and investors assistance in making smart and confident decisions in risk management, strategy and timing.

How we deliver

By analyzing and visualizing relevant stock markets data and its dynamics we help you to capture the current market situation in a data driven, instant and easy digestible way. This will help you to cut off the emotions driven by (the often) biased news networks and improve your strategies, risk management and timing significantly. It will also help you to leverage additional, pure data driven strategies in trading and investing on stock markets. 


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