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The History Of Gold As Money

  The History Of Gold As Money Gold As Money   Turning Gold Into Money  Gold is one of the most dynamic elements of the modern economy and some might find it funny that the oldest form of valuing physical commodities is still thriving today. The first gold coins were produced in 700 BC and since then the precious metal has been used as the primary exchange element. The fact that gold was scarce and highly valued made it the perfect means of exchange, regardless of what the exchanged items were. The history of gold turning into money spans over a period of 2600 years and the turning point in gold’s history is the year 1971. How Did Gold Become Paper?  Throughout history, gold and silver coins went through a process of debauching. Such coins began to be created out of gold and other metals, thus making the values of the actual coinage fluctuate in time. The process of turning physical gold into money began when goldsmiths, who used to store gold for other society members for a fee, st