
Showing posts with the label Recording Your First Podcast

Recording Your First Podcast

 Recording Your First Podcast.  Podcasting is nice because listeners will find you all on their own.  Podcasting is one of the best ways to build an audience online. Not only do listeners become familiar with your expertise, but they are also introduced to your personal style and delivery. Podcasting also falls nicely into the exercise of acquiring expertise and giving it away as a strategy for becoming a recognized expert in your field. All in all, podcasting is a great way to position yourself as an authority and find an audience of people interested in exactly what you have to offer.   In a previous article, I discussed the tools necessary to begin podcasting. You can find that article by visiting my website or viewing my author profile. As a quick summary, you’ll need a microphone with a foam-rubber pop filter, an RSS hosting account, and you’ll need some recording software. None of this stuff costs a lot of money and you can get the basics setup easily within an hour or two.  This