
Showing posts with the label What You Should Know About How To Write That Cover Letter Improve Your Chances Of Getting The Interview

What You Should Know About How To Write That Cover Letter Improve Your Chances Of Getting The Interview

Are you Looking for Job Change ? What You Should Know About How To Write That Cover Letter Improve Your Chances Of Getting The Interview ?  Nearly all job seekers are well aware of the importance of a resume when applying for a professional opinion, but few realize the vital role that an accompanying cover letter plays in the selection process. In fact, your resume is just as important to your job search as is your cover letter.  Consider this: recruiters and managers often receive dozens, if not hundreds, of applicants for every one available position. With so many applicants to review, interviewers do not have much time to determine if you are qualified for the job. In fact, a recruiter typically spends between one and two minutes quickly glancing over a resume, hardly enough to thoroughly investigate if your skills set and experience is a good match for the position.  This is why a cover letter is such a critical tool to the job seeking process. The purpose of a cover letter is to c