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Managed Link Strategies The Page Brin Effect

Managed Link Strategies The Page Brin Effect Improving your websites rankings in search engines requires an effective link strategy. In the development period of Google’s existence, its founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, were burning the midnight oil trying to discover a way to determine the importance of a web site. The concept they arrived at is now known as link popularity. The basic idea is simple: If web site “A” has a lot of other web sites linking to it, then all these llinking sites must think that web site “A” is important. In other words, each incoming link to your web site can be considered as a vote. The more votes your web site achieves, the more importance Google, and other major search engines will give to it. This means that in the all seeing eyes of search engines your web site is more relevant if it has a lot of incoming links. So the more relevancy you can acquire for your web pages means higher search engine rankings (all major search engines appear to have adopt