
Showing posts with the label Salute Hon'ble Prime Minister - "# Gulzarilal_nanda

Salute Hon'ble Prime Minister - "# Gulzarilal_nanda

Salute  Hon'ble Prime Minister - "# Gulzarilal_nanda. The landlord is kicking a 94-year-old man out of the house for not paying rent on time. The old man's only belongings were a torn mat, an old sheet, an aluminum utensil, a cup, a plastic bucket and a mug. The old man is begging the landlord for a few more days. At the request of the neighbors, the landlord became a little softer. Time was given for another fifteen days. A young journalist noticed this while walking down the street. The matter has to be reported, thinking this, some pictures of the old man, the journalist took pictures of the house. He made up his mind, "Headlines -" drove a helpless old man out of the house for money - a housewife with a stony heart. " The journalist went and informed the editor about the incident. The editor was surprised to see the pictures. Asks the journalist-- "Choose this old man ??" The journalist said - "No ..." The next morning the newspaper p