Tube Monetization and Automation Program

 Tube Monetization and Automation Program

Are you interested in starting or scaling a YouTube channel, without having to show your face or become a YouTuber?

Do you want to increase your revenue, freedom, and become your own boss?

You’ve spent countless hours searching for the right business. You finally stumbled across “Doing YouTube without making videos” and you know this is finally the answer you’ve been looking for.

You love the idea that it’s very lucrative, doesn’t cost any money to get started, doesn’t take much time to work on, it doesn’t require any technical skills or experience, and you don’t have to be on camera or use your voice.

Sounds simple enough, but now you’re not sure what the next step is.

“How do I start my channel? What niche should I choose? How do I monetize my channel? How do I put my videos together and do it without having to be a YouTuber? What is the secret to doing this quickly so it doesn’t take me all day?”

“Most importantly, how do I scale my channel and crush the YouTube algorithm?”

Because you don’t want to spend years trying to learn how to do this the hard way. You want a simple, proven system and a systematic roadmap that’ll get you there FAST.

Learn The Exact Secret Formula Jordan Uses To Make 6 Figures On His 4 YouTube Channels Without Showing His Face

Everyone knows YouTube can be very lucrative, but most people think you

 need to be a YouTuber with a crazy personality to reap the benefits of YouTube. 

That could not be farther from the truth.

With this new way of doing YouTube, absolutely ANYONE can succeed from ANY country in the world because it doesn’t take any technical skills or experience, fancy equipment, or a personality to make it happen.

“The systematic roadmap is simple – all you need to do is find interesting videos, mash them together, make small tweaks, upload it, and use the correct title, thumbnail, keywords, and other algorithm secrets and do it the right way. If you do that, you crush it on YouTube over and over again.”

Sounds like something you could easily do, right?

The best part is that this business costs zero money to start or scale, takes very little time to set up and run, and does not deal with the hassles of selling anything, having inventory, running advertisements, doing customer service, or being a YouTube personality with millions of people watching and judging you because you can be completely anonymous. 

Not only that, but every single video you post is a new revenue stream that will continue to pay you on autopilot for years to come. Those revenue streams will just continue growing exponentially every single time you upload.

This business model is also much less time consuming than being a typical YouTuber because a YouTuber needs to come up with an interesting topic, write their script, shoot the video, edit it, and upload it. On top of that, you’re only going to go viral if you’re ENTERTAINING.

With my method you’re cutting out the most time consuming parts and finding the shortcut to sustained success on YouTube.

Not only that, but you’re almost sure to go viral because you’re picking and choosing entertaining videos in viral niches without you having to be personally entertaining.

“Then if you want to, when you’re ready you can scale this to the moon by outsourcing and automating the ENTIRE process. Basically, you cheaply hire qualified people to do the work and you make all of the profit. By doing this, you can scale your business to an unlimited amount of channels without doing any of the work!”

Why Did I Create The Tube Monetization & Automation Program?

Before becoming an entrepreneur, I received a Master’s degree in Business Psychology. This led me into student loan debt working as a business analyst at First Data. I realized very quickly that sitting in a cubicle working 60 hour weeks, getting 2 weeks a year for vacation, while making someone else rich was not the life I wanted to live.

During this time I began exploring online sources of income so that I could break myself away from the shackles of being a corporate slave and free myself to travel the world and live life on my own terms. One boring Thursday afternoon in the cubicle I stumbled upon a small YouTube channel posting simple videos without showing their face. 

These videos were getting millions of views, and I quickly realized that in five minutes I could have put together the videos they were posting. I began searching other similar channels and then it hit me, tons of channels were making a killing on YouTube posting simple videos without ever showing their face, and I was missing out.

“I started my first YouTube niche channel that day, and the rest is history.”

Doing YouTube without showing your face is a massive opportunity for people like you and me who dream of starting their own online business, breaking free from the corporate world and living life on their own terms.

Through tons of trial and error I figured out the perfect way to systematically build and monetize niche channels with simple videos, blow them up and make them go viral quickly, all without ever showing my face.


Congratulations, you now know everything you need to know to achieve success! 

Now that you’ve learned all of this, don’t worry because

our facebook group is the most active and engaged group you’re going to find. As you go through this process, you will have thousands of other Bye 9 To 5 members going through the same process you are! You can bounce ideas off of them, collaborate, and share your successes and your struggles with others who are going through the same thing you are!

Of course, I am in the group answering your questions and providing feedback, encouragement, and updates on a daily basis as well! 

And as you go through your journey, don’t forget you have my email. It goes straight to my phone so I will be able to help you along the way no matter what I’m doing!


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