Dog Trainer Bible

eBooks collection covers everything about choosing, taking care of, maintaining, and training your dog

Dog Trainer Bible

Get Rid of Bad Habits and Stop Obedience Problems.
Easy, Fast and Effective Training Techniques will Completely Transform Your Dog's Behavior

Benefits for Dog Trainer Bible Readers:

  1. Learn how to choose a dog or how to adopt a dog.
  2. Things you need to consider before you get a dog.
  3. Get all guidance you need to be successful at taking care of your dog.
  4. Homemade dog food recipes and dog food nutrition.
  5. Offer good care to your dog
  6. Provide solutions for unresolved problems.
  7. Train yourself on how to instantly fix behavior problems and bad habits.
  8. Use the easiest and most effective ways to train your dog.
  9. Teach your dog tricks and other enjoyable commands.
  10. Start seeing results immediately…

Consequences if you don’t use Dog Trainer Bible:

  1. What commitment is getting a dog?
  2. Things consider before adopting a dog.
  3. Unsocialized dogs.
  4. Dealing with other people and their dogs.
  5. Financial expenses.
  6. The cost of walks, grooming, boarding, and vet visits.
  7. Dog Separation anxiety.
  8. Parasites and vaccinations.
  9. Bad Habits of dogs.
  10. Dog obedience problems.

Section 1: How to Choose A Dog?

If you are thinking about getting a dog it’s important to remember that a dog is a living, breathing animal.

Yes, they are cuddly and cute, especially when they are young. But they also take work! It’s especially important to keep this in mind with a rescue dog.

Most rescue dogs have already been discarded by someone once, for some reason. Maybe the dog’s first owner found they didn’t have time for the dog?

Or the dog was too much trouble? If you plan to get a rescue dog, it’s particularly important that you understand that you are taking on a big responsibility. Rescue dogs often require some extra time and attention. The last thing you want to do is send the dog back to the shelter again.

If you are thinking about getting a dog it’s important to remember that a dog is a living, breathing animal.

Yes, they are cuddly and cute, especially when they are young. But they also take work! It’s especially important to keep this in mind with a rescue dog.

Most rescue dogs have already been discarded by someone once, for some reason. Maybe the dog’s first owner found they didn’t have time for the dog?

Or the dog was too much trouble? If you plan to get a rescue dog, it’s particularly important that you understand that you are taking on a big responsibility. Rescue dogs often require some extra time and attention. The last thing you want to do is send the dog back to the shelter again.

Section 2: Dog Basics for Newbies

Do you have a dog, or looking to get yourself one? Know the facts! Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about health and health insurance, grooming and clipping, vaccinating, spaying and neutering, fleas and other parasites, dental care, feeding and vitamins, happy dog and so much more!

Section 3: DOG CARE

Many dog owners are unaware that, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, close to half the dogs in the USA are considered overweight and 6.7 million of those dogs are designated as clinically obese. And research has shown that overweight dogs can often die up to two years earlier than normal because of that excess weight.

In this eBook, we will cover some of the most common care factors.

We want to teach you the proper care techniques for taking care of your pet dog with our valuable eBook The Ultimate Dog Care Kit. It will provide you with everything you need to know to treat your dog in a way that will enable him or her to live a long life with you.

Section 4: DOG FOOD

How much should I feed my dog? Does the food I’m providing meet my dog’s nutritional needs? As our knowledge of the relationship between diet and health continues to advance and as the range of foods available for dogs continues to expand, it’s more important than ever to base feeding choices on good information.

The information in this pamphlet is based on Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats, a technical report issued by the National Research Council as part of its Animal Nutrition Series. The Food and Drug Administration relies on information in the report to regulate and ensure the safety of pet foods.


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