How To Build Professional Traffic and Boost Your Web Traffic For Free

 How To Build Professional Traffic and Boost Your Web Traffic For Free

Today’s PR0 site could become tomorrow’s PR9.

Let’s face it; the Internet is cluttered with all sorts of guides about increasing traffic to your web site. Wouldn’t you like to build up quality traffic that will stand the test of time? The key phrase is “test of time”. You don’t want to be a flash in the pan.


 Before you rush out to tell the world that your brand new web site is open for business, set it up properly. Do not even start to think about traffic if your web site still has broken links, empty content, and other unfinished business. While patience can be a hard thing to control, having some will pay off later. Once your web site is completely operational from top to bottom, you are ready to flood it with traffic.


 While there are many web sites out there which claim to be search engines, you only need to be concerned with a few of the major ones like Google, MSN, etc. You do not need to submit your web site to these engines

 Scouring the web you are sure to find thousands of web sites and products that claim to be able to make you web site into a miracle success. Build it once, walk away, and reap the benefits for years. They are selling services such as redirected traffic, free banners, auto surfers, and site submitters. While they may help, obviously they are no panacea.

 The true winners are the people that are able to get their web site listed in the top spots on the main search engines. Submitting is a simple process but does not guarantee that Google or anyone else will list you. You can increase your chances by building what is commonly called inbound links. I am not talking about those stupid pages full of thousands of links (a.k.a. link farms). Search engines are smarter then they used to be and some will actually penalize you for being a part of a link farm.

 What search engines like to see is your link on another site that contains highly relevant content. Some people are able to achieve this be paying for links and advertising, but why pay when you can build these links for free. By writing articles and submitting them to free article sites, you are creating those inbound links that become gateways for search engines to find your site and build up your page rank.

 When choosing those sites to submit to there are a couple things to consider.

 – Does the site have a high PR?

 – Does the site have high traffic?

 – Will the site accept my article?

 High PR may help you get listed in search engines. It may also help your own PR.

 High traffic obviously may help get people to your site quicker and directly from another site. Not all high PR sites have high traffic.

 Even though a site is new I would not write them off. New sites often are more likely to accept your articles in an effort to build up their own site. Today’s PR0 site could become tomorrow’s PR9.


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